Module 1 Objectives

It’s important to remember to always consider the key CEPNET Principles and also to plan sessions well beforehand. A Classroom Handbook has been developed with the support of our teachers and gives some background to these principles. You can find this here in more detail.

The principles that form the backbone of the CEPNET approach are:

  • VOICE: Importance of the children taking the lead, the adults as facilitators; Fostering the voice of the child
  • DEBATE: Ensuring debate and discussion about the core issues
  • ANALYSIS: Research acting as a tool to promote critical thinking
  • WORLDVIEW: Democracy and the role of the children’s council; Engagement of wider community where possible; Bringing issues of sustainability into the processes
  • ACTION: Active learning and participation at all times; Action as an outcome of the learning

Have a look here to get a simple explanation from our students as to what they understand by CEPNET. This Children’s Introduction video to CEPNET can be used in the class to give your students an insight right from the mouths of some children who have already participated.

Our objective with this initial module is that you can set a comfortable tone for the class so that the dialogues and discussions can take place with the students feeling that they are stepping outside their normal “formal” learning environment. This means that you need to prepare them for something different. In our experience, the students need to be able to put aside their books and mindsets that they bring to a mathematics or language class. We want them to be able to step into a different type of learning space, where they are being enabled and empowered to voice their opinions in a free manner. This is not to say that your students are not always free to express their opinions about the subject matter, but it is more that they need to be able to feel that they are now “doing something different”, as our Student Council described it during their evaluation and feedback sessions. We will bring you through some planning tips and advice about how to make this happen. We will then highlight how by “doing something different”, that these discussions can be enriched, supported and facilitated, using the experience of our teachers and ideas from our students.

We have already tested these modules with our teachers through a series of learning events and sessions. We finish each module with a summary of the key pointers for you as you set out to bring our CEPNET approach into your classroom.

The format for these modules includes checklists for getting organised, video content from our teachers and feedback from our students, including our CEPNET Student Council.

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