Giving children and youth a voice is a crucial and yet often marginal aspect of their learning. This does not only mean allowing them to express their needs, ideas and wishes but also to be able to having meaningful conversations both on and offline. Teacher and educators have an important role as facilitators of these conversations and we have learnt from them that they often need guidance for facilitating online dialogues. Pre-planning can be an important step along the way.
Online Handbook

This section presents a set of practical tools to support teachers and educators in facilitating meaningful online exchanges between their students and peers. It aims to address the challenge of ensuring lasting, active and collaborative online interaction and participation between students over time despite availability of many online tools. It will provide guidance on how to plan and facilitate online exchanges and use tools most effectively to achieve rich interaction and dialogue between children and young people online, especially within an international dimension.
The above photo is of an online meeting between teachers and students from different European countries on a school visit to Poppi. These types of online encounters are really valued by the children and young people allowing them to share their local insights and awareness with each other.
The full draft of the handbook is available in English, German and Italian.