Vienna is Different
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17

This project looked at research into Vienna and what makes it different. It examines the culture and history of the city from the perspective of the students.
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17
This project looked at research into Vienna and what makes it different. It examines the culture and history of the city from the perspective of the students.
Student Projects
Hannah, Clara, Erin and Colm
St. Ronan’s Recarson Primary School
Alexa, Aoibheann, Aria & Maisie
Dublin 7 Educate Together National School
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17
St. Ronan’s Recarson Primary School
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17
Asia, Bianca and Carmen
Dublin 7 Educate Together National School
James and Brodie
Dublin 7 Educate Together National School
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17
Seamus, Conor and Ben
Dublin 7 Educate Together National School
Zentrum Inklusiver Schulen 17