The value of the CEPNET approach

Within this section, we present direct feedback from teachers and school principals about the value of using the CEPNET approach. These short videos and testimonials set out to give first hand experience and insights, whereby teachers and principals explain how they will continue to use these ways of working with their students into the future, across subject areas and within new classrooms.

The CEPNET model and approach is discussed in relation to the competence framework. The focus is on how attitudes, skills and knowledge have been impacted by bringing this approach into the class and letting the students take charge of their learning and shape how they wish to respond to the challenges of building a more sustainable world.

Our students also offer their feedback about what they have learned from their experiences and how they intend to take this learning into their future.

Acquiring Knowledge

A key feature of the CEPNET project relates to building the capacity of our students to navigate and interpret the world around them. Through their dialogues, research and presentations, they must problem-solve, make use of data and technology to answer questions and come up with their own analysis. The students made use of their mathematics

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Shaping and Framing Attitudes

Students develop values and attitudes within their learning environment. The school curriculum provides a formal framework, but the development of attitudes takes place through their peers and teachers as well as through the wider school community. Within CEPNET, the approach is very conscious as to how the “hidden curriculum” can support and provide a scaffolding

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Skills Development

Our starting point within our primary classrooms is that we need to consider that our students are still developing the necessary skills to be able to engage in genuine dialogue and debate and to work collaboratively and effectively with each other. Many of the skills connected to our competence framework, based on the curricular priorities

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